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P10. Salmon box
€ 16,50
6 x california saumon avocado
6 x spring saumon avocado
6 x sushi saumon
P11. Magic
€ 20,50
6 x california mango tempura
6 x california pacific
6 x california surimi avocado
6 x california poulet piquant
P12. Sweetheart
€ 14,50
3 x sushi saumon
2 x sushi thon
1 x sushi crevettes
6 x california saumon avocado
P13. Merry
€ 12,50
2 x sushi saumon
2 sushi thon
6 x califonia saumon avocado
P14. Sunrise
€ 19,90
6 x california ebi tempura
2 x sushi saumon
2 x sushi thon
2 x teriyaki saumon
2 x sashimi thon
2 x sashimi saumon
P15. Maki lovers
€ 15,00
6 x maki saumon
6 maki thon
6 x maki concombre
6 x maki avocado
P16. Box for two
€ 44,00
2 x sushi saumon
2 x sushi thon
2 x sushi radis
2 x sushi teriyaki saumon
2 x sushi teriyaki thon
6 x califonia saumon avocado
6 x california pacific
6 x maki thon piquant
6 x maki rouleau de saumon
6 x spring poulet rôti
6 x spring saumon avocado
P17. Box intimate
€ 64,00
4 x sushi saumon
4 x sushi thon
2 x sushi dorade
2 x sushi crevettes
2 x sushi teriyaki saumon
2 x sushi teriyaki thon
6 x california saumon avocado
6 x california tempura piquant
6 x maki rouleau de saumonl
6 x maki saumon
6 x maki fromage- avocado
6 x maki thon avocado
6 x spring saumon avocado
P19. Sunset
€ 21,00
3x sushi zalm caramel mayo
2x sashimi zalm
2x sashimi tonijn
1x Gunkan zeewier
1x Gunkan maïs
1x sushi Tofu
6x california zalm mango cheese
P2. Sushi mix
€ 16,50
5 x sushi saumon
3 x sushi thon
2 x sushi dorade
P20. Dream
€ 21,50
6x california surimi avocado komkommer
1/2 Big roll Sweety
1x sushi Tofu
1x sashimi zalm
1x sashimi tonijn
1x sushi zalm mango
1x sushi paling
1x sushi garnaal caramel mayo
P21. Rain
€ 20,50
6x spring zalm mango
1x sushi zalm
1x sushi tonijn
1x sushi radis
1x sushi surimi
1x sushi tonijn
caramel mayo
1/2 Big roll Qitian
P22. Nico
€ 21,90
6x california zalm cheese avocado
6x california surimi avocado komkommer
6x maki kaas mango
1x sushi zalm avocado
1x sushi paling caramel mayo
1x sushi arctic bay
1x sushi zeebrasem
P23. Veggie Mix
€ 17,50
1x sushi avocado
1x sushi radis
1x sushi Gunkan zeewier
3x maki mango
3x maki avocado
6x california veggie
6x spring kaas avocado
P24. Cindy
€ 18,00
1x sushi omlet
1x sushi Tofu mango avocado
4x sashimi zalm
3x maki zalm
3x maki tonijn
6x california cheese zalm avocado zalmeitjes
P25. Grace
€ 18,50
6x california zalm avocado komkommer
2x Gunkan zeewier
2x sushi paling
2x sushi surimi
2x sushi omlet
P3. Sushi super mix
€ 18,00
2 x sushi saumon
2 x sushi thon
2 x sushi crevettes
2 x sushi dorade
2 x sushi teriyaki saumon
P4. Sushi lovers
€ 21,00
1x sushi saumon
1 x sushi thon
1 x sushi crevettes
1 x sushi dorade
1 x sushi teriyaki saumon
1 x sushi teriyaki thon
1 x sushi tulip ikura
1 x sushi tulip fromage and concombre
1 x sushi anguille
1 x sushi arctic bay
P5. Spring
€ 21,00
6 x spring saumon avocado
6 x spring thon avocado
6 x spring tataki saumon
6 x spring poulet rôti
P6. Summer
€ 20,00
6 x california ebi tempura
6 x california poulet piquant
6 x california pacific
6 x california tempura piquant
P7. Autumn
€ 17,50
6 x california végétarien
6 x california concombre avocado
6 x maki végétarien
6 x maki fromage avocado
P8. Winter
€ 19,50
6 x california saumon avocado
6x california thon avocado
6 x california thon cuit avocado
6 x maki saumon
P9. Salmon lovers
€ 19,90
6 x california saumon avocado
6 x maki rouleau saumon
6 x maki saumon
6 x spring saumon avocado
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